P.A.T.H. 1-on-1 Session

Have it Done Virtually From Anywhere in the World

Why P.A.T.H.?

Why not have the sheer joy of doing for yourself so you are crystal clear on how you want your life to unfold in the next few years? You will have clear concrete steps and supports articulated to ensure it happens. All in 3 hours! Then you can offer this gift to friends, family, colleagues and groups. A side bonus is building your graphic and visioning skills.
Why P.A.T.H.?

Can you...

  • Choose a time where you can give your full attention to the process?

  • Make sure it is quiet where you are?

  • Make sure you have a good internet connection where you have good audio and good ability to speak?

  • Bring some colored pens or markers and a large sheet of paper to the session?

What you get

  • Pre-work instructions to help you get the best out of the session

  • 2.5 hour planning session (10 minute break at half way point) (value – $500)

  • 30 minutes of coaching in drawing simple graphics (bonus – offered 30 minutes before session starts) (value – $100)

  • A 3-5 year plan with words and images for your life and work (which you will easily create yourself) with clear 12-18 month goals and specific steps for the next 1-4 months (value – very high!)

  • Colorful PDF handout with step by step instructions to be able to offer this session to others after your own PATH is done (value – $100- $1000’s if you offer this to others for a cost)


Please email one of our trusted colleagues to inquire about having your PATH done or being trained in PATH.

Rangineh Azimzadeh Tehrani (USA)
[email protected]

Lyn Wong (Singapore)
[email protected]

Grace Tan (Singapore)
[email protected]

Robin Parsons (Calgary, Alta, Canada)
[email protected]

Rosanna Von Sacken (Victoria, BC, Canada)
[email protected]

Note: Graphic coaching session starts 30 minutes before each planning session. This is optional but will greatly enhance the beauty of your PATH. We can also send you written tips of doing graphics if you cannot join early.
Watch Intro Video

Still Unsure?

We've created a brief video demonstrating the steps

Looking for a group session?

Works best with groups of 6 to 30 persons

When you only have a half day to “kick off“ a planning effort, this short and powerful graphic planning process is excellent for individuals or groups about to begin a project or explore a new life/work direction. This exercise achieves great motivation and focus for groups and individuals who want to focus only on the next 12-24 months, as opposed to the typical five year strategic planning effort. It does not replace the strategic planning process but can be used to as a “stop” gap measure if your time or budget is limited, or you are focusing on only one specific aspect of your organizational mission. It is excellent as a team building exercise. It also works very well for couples or families who are in a transition phase of their life or career. Email our colleagues directly for a quote.


“I am so jazzed about this…thank you for your beautiful graphics and your deep listening. I appreciate it more than I can express. Thank you again for your thoughtful attention, sharing this wonderful process, the photo scans of my PATH, and mailing it so quickly.”