Live Q&A Sessions

Professional Facilitator Development Library

Kick Off Session:
June 15, 2022

Please Come With Questions

Join Barbara and Eileen for their first Q&A session. Two times to choose from: 8:00-9:00 a.m. or 4:30-5:30 p.m. PDT; Attendance is free for everyone in this first kick off session and included for all future events in the Silver and Gold Membership plans. Join today!
Kick Off Session: <br>June 15, 2022

What's Included

  • Convenient Meetups

    We'll meet every 4 months on Zoom at a time that suits may geographies. We will break into small groups if needed to discuss more than one topic at a time. We will record all sessions and summarize key topics discussed so if you miss one, you don't miss out!

  • Hot Topics

    These are different than practice or live training sessions in that the topics will be curated at the start of every session to determine if of interest to most attending that day. Most likely if a topic is a lengthy one, we'll be sure to include in the live training content.

  • Global Participants

    Participants from around the world enrich sessions immensely. Yet, similar needs and topics arise. We will ensure that the diversity and intelligence of all participants is tapped into as we go along, so your cultural competency is enhanced as well.